C-17 Globemaster III Conduct Aerial Delivery
The C-17 Globemaster III is one of the most flexible military transport aircraft in service worldwide. Designed to fulfil a variety of airlift needs for military and humanitarian missions, the C-17 can carry cargo and personnel across long distances directly to small austere airfields anywhere in the world. With 72.6 tons (160,000 lbs.) of cargo the C-17 can take off from a 2,133 meter (7,000 ft.) airfield, fly unrefueled for a maximum distance of 4,400 kilometers (2,400 nautical miles) and land in 900 meters (3,000 ft.) on a small unpaved or paved airfield in day or night.
It has an international range and the ability to land on small airfields. A fully integrated electronic cockpit and advanced cargo system allows a crew of three (the pilot, co-pilot and loadmaster) to operate all systems on any type of mission.
Video Credit by SSgt Nicholas Brown